Studies spanning decades investigate several Japanese staple foods as being potentially responsible for lower cases of CVD in Japan when compared with CVD in other countries such as Australia
The Japanese macrobiotic diet has a fascinating history that dates back several centuries. Its roots can be traced to the teachings of George Ohsawa, a Japanese philosopher, who believed that food plays a critical role in achieving physical and spiritual balance.
It is ok to be fatigued for a day or two but if it is constant, there is something more going on. What is the reason you are tired all the time?
The naturopath's day starts with a harmonious symphony of self-care, patient care, and continuous learning. As the first rays of the sun grace the horizon, a naturopath starts the day by nurturing their own well-being before a patient's.
Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) refers to a condition in which occupants of a building experience a range of symptoms and discomfort that are associated with spending time in that particular environment. These symptoms, which can vary in severity, include headaches, fatigue, respiratory issues, eye irritation, dizziness, and even difficulty concentrating.
You may have heard that magnesium is essential to take and might help you with sleep, achy joints or energy. But have you experienced digestive problems when you take it?
Long Covid or post-covid is defined as continuing signs and symptoms from four weeks to greater than three months. Ongoing data suggests that 30% of patients will have persisting covid symptoms for over 6 months.
If you have digestive problems, it is important to work out what they are more specifically. Ulcers, gastritis, cancer, bloating or inflammation are just a few issues.
Food intolerances are technically not allergies and are more commonly digestive related. Bloating, stomach cramping, inflammation and fatigue are just a few of the many symptoms which come about with food intolerances.
Viruses like EBV or CMV contribute to chronic fatigue symptoms. But HIV causes more severe deterioration of the immune system resulting in chronic deficiency and decline.
Who would have ever thought 2 years ago that we would be here in a world that seems so foreign? Where freedom of movement has been taken for health. Divided families and friends because of a debate on the health of the world's population. Strangely, both sides want the same thing - the best health for everyone.
The Keto diet is not new, but it has gained tremendous popularity within the mainstream over the past year.
If you or someone you know is suffering from a thyroid condition, then you are aware just how this tiny gland can affect the whole body.
Going through a lot of stress impacts the quality of sleep you get come bedtime. Sometimes the mind simply does not shut down so that you can finally fall asleep.
PEA (palmitoylethanolamide) started out back in 1939 as a natural food ingredient within dried egg yolk.
How would you describes your average day? Busy but fun? Productive and joyful? Or stressful and feeling like you are never achieving much?